The Blessing Pipeline

A few Sundays ago I taught on something called “the Blessing Pipeline”. It was a conceptual crystallization for me after much reflection on the theological concepts of Blessing and Covenant. It all began for me with the experience universally shared by all sooner or later – the sense of being stuck in my life. ThatContinue reading “The Blessing Pipeline”

Don’t Leave Your Marriage Before You Leave Your Marriage: 3 Things To Improve It

As I shared in a recent talk, church planting has been challenging to my marriage, only for me to come to the realization that my wife is the fount of all my ministry, life, and work. SHE is the Fount. Without her, nothing. And so if I am not present as a husband and placingContinue reading “Don’t Leave Your Marriage Before You Leave Your Marriage: 3 Things To Improve It”

10 Things To Do Before I Die.

I annually re-post this as reminder to fix my eyes on the prize: Ten Things To Do Before I Die: 1. End genocide. 2. Stabilize the Middle East. 3. Master a foreign language. 4. Eradicate one disease, pathogen or virus. 5. Alleviate unnecessary human suffering. 6. Write one well-written and scholarly book. 7. Promote racialContinue reading “10 Things To Do Before I Die.”